Shadow and Soil

Facilitate a safe, integrative space for participants to explore personal and collective shadows (Jung) through mindfulness (Buddhism) and link them to systemic issues (Pluriverse).

Participants leave with:

  • Personal Insight: Awareness of how inner shadows connect to systemic issues.
  • Collective Action: Skills to join/start mutual aid projects or advocacy campaigns.
  • Symbolic Hope: A living garden as a metaphor for regenerative futures.

By weaving Jung, Buddhism, and Social Ecology, "Shadow & Soil" becomes a microcosm of the Pluriverse—a space where many worlds (inner/outer, personal/political) coexist and collaborate.

  1. Opening Ritual (10 mins):
    • Mindfulness Meditation: Ground participants in breathwork, emphasizing non-judgmental awareness.
    • Intention Setting: Invite participants to reflect on the question: "What shadows within me mirror the shadows of our world?"
  2. Guided Shadow Exploration (30 mins):
    • Jungian Journaling Prompts:
      • "What personal fears or biases do I associate with ecological/social crises?"
      • "When have I felt complicit in systems I oppose (e.g., consumerism)?"
    • Buddhist Reflection: Encourage observing thoughts without attachment (anicca – impermanence).
  3. Group Sharing (20 mins):
    • Circle Guidelines: Confidentiality, no cross-talk, use "I" statements.
    • Facilitator Role: Highlight patterns (e.g., recurring themes of guilt/helplessness) and connect to systemic shadows (capitalism, ecocide).
  4. Mindful Integration (15 mins):
    • Loving-Kindness Meditation: Direct compassion toward personal and collective shadows.
    • Symbolic Release: Write down a shadow and place it in a communal bowl (to be composted during the gardening phase).
  5. Closing (5 mins):
    • Gratitude Circle: One-word reflection on the experience (e.g., "Liberating," "Challenging").