SolarPunk Sangha Offerings

Lesson Details

Ravi Bajnath
This is a summary of the product and service offerings for the Sangha’s education platform and its potential for mutul growth.
🎉 Lesson Activities
Lecture Review
🔦 Responsibility
Focused Lesson
September 24, 2024

đź“š Literature

Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Paulo Freire
🇧🇷 Brazil
đź’ˇ Teaching and Training

đź“ť Related Concepts

đź’ˇ Research and Application
Critical Sustainability

đź““ Lesson Plan

🧠 Remember

đź“ś Comprehend

⚙️ Apply

đź”® Analysis

🕊️ Evaluation

🔩 Create

🎙️ Related Podclass

No items found.

Lesson Content

Before taking a leap into the primary material published in our Exploration, it is important to have a users manual to this website to help navigate the tools and resources we have made available for learning. We currently launched with a few key services that I would like to cover; our curriculum content, media library, and Patreon subscription. Later on as the website becomes updated with more interactable features, a Support page will be created to manage the experience further.

The SolarPunk Sangha Curriculum

Continuing from the lesson on Sustainability, the Sangha’s curriculum includes educational content offered through Exploration courses based on the Circles of Sustainability model. Each Exploration contains modules of lessons and projects that relate to the courses objectives and learning outcomes. Lessons contain multimedia like YouTube videos or Spotify tracks while linking towards related literature and concepts covered in each lesson. 

The curriculum also provides a media library that I curated over the course of a few years utilizing this research model. Currently across 28 subdomains there are over 1,600 book recommendations, over 1,000 hours of video playlists, over 1,000 bookmarks, and possibly a few hundred hours of good music to enjoy. This is curated for free usage and references for lessons in each Exploration. Instructions on how to keep track of all this is part of the first optional projects from this Critical Sustainability course.

Upcoming projects include building a Journal through your preferred note keeping application. Many of these note keeping apps such as Notion, Airtable, Evernote, and so on offer a way to copy a template to your workspace. This is ideal for building out your own digital journal structured by the curriculum and possibly synced from our website as we publish. Will we offer an app? Time will tell. A walkthrough and links to the template will be provided once available on the curriculum page. 

Insights, Designs, and Resources

The content produced from Explorations can be filtered as Insights provided by research, Designs made to teach concepts, and Resources such as the media library and other printable or shareable material. What we currently offer is digital, online content with the aim of hosting lectures, workshops, or training programs to make these categories of educational content easy to access across programs. For more information on the Sangha’s offerings, see the section below.

Anticipating that people may want to work closely with or adjacent to what we have to offer, we will utilize our designed projects to facilitate key capacitation and organizational development for participants. Projects are meant to integrate people and practice across domains to work on affinity networks, local markets, policy structure, and local practices. Adhering to the Capacitation Development goal, workforce training and flow development that stems from these community projects will help to transition people towards a Sustainable way of governance. Community networking with unionized commerce where everyone is educated on supporting and servicing within their ecosystems is complimentary to a cooperative work system we will develop further in a d.conomy Exploration.

The Sangha will assist by providing an overall process, methodology, and task delegation recommended by each Exploration. Connecting back to the idea that the Sangha’s academy is a template for others, how to administrate and disseminate material for local use is critical to the growth and success of these insights, designs, and resources. Of course, as the content grows, the more pages we will have available to guide users across our published material.

Financing, Membership, and Milestones

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, so it is important to outline how money is used to keep this project going. Beyond hosting fees for the website, services that can be developed to further improve accessibility and user experience will be prioritized, but will incur annual subscription fees. As this was a solo endeavor, I wanted to maximize the usage of the website before adding additional features, you can keep track of our features project management board on the Donate page. This “Website Improvements” kanban provides details on planned features that are native to the website builder and additional services with their annual cost. 

Patreon will be an asset that I will use from the beginning to help generate interest for an in-house subscription model and member zones on the website. Patreon is helpful because it has a ton of community features that help with feedback and development of my content and web design. My subscribers at some point will provide the means to convert to a subscription model on the website that will be independently managed and enshrine early Patreon subscribers on our Donate page. Subscribe to my Patreon if you want to see this work flourish.

What you may also discover on the Donate page is the Sangha’s Offerings project management board. Combined with the sections above that outlines the material extracted from the curriculum, there’s a ton of non-digital services that can be offered if this venture is successful. It would be ideal to have a place to go to offer lessons or work at venues to develop Sustainable organizations, so I open my inbox and wallet to work and donations that will help facilitate that growth and support this mission further.

In addition to the subscription offerings, self published eBooks will be made available to compress Exploration modules into a singular PDF or ePub. Following our Social Media will also help, we will stick to syndicating publications based on content found on our website making it easy to share and engage with. Furthermore, I offer consultation which you can find more about on my website. 


Member Zone

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